segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:08 1 comentários
segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2009
Aqui, Agora
Se soubesses o quanto te amo...não caibo em mim só de pensar em ti, é tão mais do que qualquer palavra possa expressar.
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 20:01 1 comentários
sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2009
Um momento
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 14:35 3 comentários
sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009
Muse Dictionary
2. Amusement: (noun) Way for musers to pass the time by creating funny and piss taking captions for random muse photos.
3. Animuseary:
- The yearly celebration of the first time you ever heard Muse.
-The anniversary of when you joined the Muse message boards.
-The yearly celebration of your first Muse concert.
-The yearly celebration of an epic Muse performance or release of a concert-style Muse dvd. (i.e The RAH Animusery , and the H.A.A.R.P Animusery.) Usually to celebrate one holds parties or has a gathering with friends where they watch the dvd’s and/or listen to the songs that were played at the show.
4. Arbellionomise-to add arpeggios of the Muse variety to one's own song.
5. Arbellionomist-one with an affinity for arpeggios (especially those in Muse songs)
6. Arbellionomy-the study of arpeggios (especially those in Muse songs)
7. Assassin technique: frenetic drumming technique only to be attempted by experienced drummers as people often ends up hitting themselves in the head and in a coma.
8. Balloonatic - A person who is in the late stages of Musenitus or other Muse related diseases.
9. Banana:
- A Muslim delicacy. Originally Originating from the Origin of Symmetry.
- A main component of diet for Bellamy.
10. Bananagram: an anagram that is devoid of meaning and placed strategically for muse fans to slip upon while chasing after clues. The purpose of which is to provide the band with entertainment; usually provokes a point and laugh response.
11. Bellafling: contrary to the common thinking this is a not a sexual or enamoured related term. It is the action of flinging your guitar (usually a manson - see U.F.M for ref) and it landing on your unsuspecting band mate resulting in a few injuries.
12. Bellamism- the act of loving Matt Bellamy.
13. Bellamist- One who loves Matt Bellamy.
14. Bellamology- a study of conspiracy theories related to exo-politics research that began with Dr. Matthew Bellamy of the Institution of Museism.
15. Bellamy Complex: psychological condition where one believe themselves too short to be sexy. The first documented case was reported at the 2009 NME Awards.
16. Bellamy Syndrome: condition under which an individual falls into a trance whilst playing a guitar solo and ends up on their knees often leaning over their Manson guitar or an amp. This condition has also been referred as a Mansonic trance.
17. Bellamytosis- A disease in which one becomes infatuated with Matt Bellamy. There is no known cure.
18. Brie: cheese delicacy, especially loved by Domnic Howard and Domists.
19. Cabasamania- The love of Morgan’s cabasa.
20. Cabasamaniacs- those who love Morgan’s cabasa.
21. Catachrismic = the type of chrisgasm had when he plays the harmonica.
22. Chrisgasm: A state of arousal or total ecstasy caused by some form of exposure to Chris Wolstenholme, whether pictures, those sexy bass lines or otherwise.
23. Chrisian - Chris worshipper
24. Chrisism- the act of loving Chris.
25. Chrisis- When one cannot get enough Chris.
26. Chrisist- One who loves Chris.
27. Chrisly- normally refers to a piece of clothing or shoe that looks like it should be worn by Chris.
28. Chrismas - The celebration of Chris' birthday
29. Chrisness- a term used to express the actions caused by one’s “inner Chris”. Can also be used to describe something that relates to Chris.
30. Chrisology- The study of Chris Wolstenholme.
31. Chrisostrophic- Something that is affected greatly, whether good or bad, by influences of Chris Wolstenholme. Usually results in a major change.
32. Chrisotologist- one who specializes in treating Chris addicts.
33. Chrisotology- A branch of medical science that was specifically created to treat Chris addicts.
34. Christ- another name for the awesomeness that is Chris Wolstenholme.
35. Christening - Introducing to the world of Chris obsession.
36. Cockminster: use when referring to an unsolvable problem (this math exercise is a real cockminster)
37. Conspirmattism: The belief of conspiracy theories that Matt believes in.
38. Convert- a term used by Musers when referring to their contribution to the addition to Muse’s fan base.
39. Danism- The act of loving Dan.
40. Danist- One who loves Dan.
41. Danistan- A religious country located east of Cydonia where the Danistanians live.
42. Danistanian- a person who lives in Danistan. Danistan was created as a sort of safe place for those who worship Dan. There have been wars between the Morganians and the Danistanians for years, As the Morganians believed that only those who worshipped Morgan could live in Morgania. However, things are quite peaceful between the two religions.
43. Danness- a term used to describe the awesomeness that is Dan, can also be used to describe anything that relates to Dan.
44. Dawesome- anything awesome that relates to Dom in some way.
45. Dawesomeness: being awesome in a Dom way.
46. Delattation - the deletion of websites due to a mistake made in the HTML.
47. Dom nom nom- Dom’s deliciousness to the eye.
48. Domgasm: A state of arousal or total ecstasy caused by some form of exposure to Dominic Howard, whether pictures, those sexy drumbeats or otherwise.
49. Dominitis- A condition in which the host becomes infatuated with Dominic for no apparent reason. There is no known cure.
50. Dominization- a weekly treatment that those with Dominitis receive in order to suppress their undying love for Dominic.
51. Domish: normally refers to a piece of clothing or shoe that looks like it should be worn by Dom.
52. Domism- The act of loving Dominic Howard. Also known as Howardism.
53. Domist- One who loves Dominic Howard. See Howardist.
54. Domistrophic- Something that is affected greatly, whether good or bad, by influences of Dominic Howard. Usually results in a major change
55. Domland: It is believed that Dom goes there often, proof of that fact is in every picture or video in which Dom is looking at the ceiling, sky, or appears to not be a part of this world.
56. Domness- a term used to express the actions caused by one’s “inner Dom”. Can also be used to describe something that relates to Dom.
57. Domology- The study of Dominic Howard.
58. Domotologist- One who specializes in treating Dom addicts.
59. Domotology- A branch of medical science specifically created to treat Dom addicts.
60. Eargasm- what you experience when you listen to Muse
61. Educating- a term used referring to the “brainwashing” or the conversion of Muse haters to get them to love Muse. It is different from “converting” in a sense that the people subjected to Muse “education” have already heard of Muse and just choose not to continue listening to them.
62. Epic: (adj.) used by musers to describe an awesome muse song or performance.
63. Faff bag: Refers to a bag of moisturisers, hair gel, and other supposed "metrosexual" self-maintenance products. One such faff bag is the property of Dominic Howard. The size of a faff bag can vary from a toiletry bag to a small suitcase.
64. Fillip: to be stimulated or aroused by Muse.
65. Fillipino:
-One who exposes themselves to Muse for the purpose of being stimulated, or aroused.
-One overly obsessed with Fillip, i.e.; learning to play it, singing it, etc.
66. Forameus - to add an easily solved anagram to a song for 'teh lolz!'
67. Funnylaugh: An infectious laughter usually caused by the phrase "sit-the-f**k-down" (as made famous by Matt Bellamy).
68. Gary Wolstenhole: the result of combining the two names people have mistakenly used at least once when referring to Chris Wolstenholme in articles and other things of the sort.
69. Gimmebackmehmicness- a word used for those times when Matt steals Dom's mic.
70. Howard Syndrome: condition where an individual gets really chuffed but gets flustered and faff about when given a microphone.
71. Howardism- See Domism.
72. Howardist- One who loves Dom. Also known as a “Domist”.
73. Hulla - term used to describe something's likeness to the promotional photographs found in a booklet inside the Hullabaloo Live at Le Zenith DVD.
74. Hullabaloons: the balloons that were usually released during bliss in the origin of symmetry tour.
75. Kirkbot: cyber version of teh kirk.
76. Lookitwhat upwhereness- a term used when referring to all the pics and other moments when Dom is looking at the ceiling instead of at the camera.
77. MAA- Muse Addicts Anonymous. A class that was originally created to cure Muse addicts of their addiction, but eventually began to fuel the fire of their passion. This class no longer exists on file as its original purpose has been overlooked.
78. Mansonist: worships Hugh Manson/his guitars.
79. MASA- Matt's conspiriacy theories of NASA and his fascination with the super computer, H8.
80. Matemamus bellameus- a bug that is known to carry and spread Bellamytosis.
81. Mattack: Assault on another person by usual throwing yourself at them or on their drumkit.
82. Mattastrophic- Something that is affected greatly, whether good or bad, by influences of Matthew Bellamy. Usually results in a major change.
83. Mattastrophy- used to describe something that is affected greatly, whether good or bad, by influences of Matthew Bellamy
84. Mattery: noun used to refer to a useless skill like spelling the alphabet backwards or saying the word Floccinaucinihilipilification really fast.
85. Mattgasm- An overwhelming side effect of Bellamytosis. Includes a strong sense of elation and lust!
-A state of arousal or total ecstasy caused by some form of exposure to Matt Bellamy, whether pictures, music or otherwise.
86. Mattish: normally refers to a piece of clothing or shoe that looks like it should be worn by Matt.
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 22:55 1 comentários
sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009
After all this time, I can feel that half of me is home!
This is War!!!
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:09 2 comentários
quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009
You loved it so much in the city
You know i could not stand it there
You liked to get lost in the people
And pretent that they really care
Well you know you're such a bad imposter
Hiding your wings beneath your coat
'Cause i watched your footprints making patterns
Away from me into the snow
Now i don't believe in nothing anymore
'Cause love is permanent not temporary
And it's driven straight into our chests, then buried
Much too deep to just pull out like weeds in a garden
It's permanent, im sorry..
So lately i've been going crazy
Trying to get you off my mind
'Cause thoughts of you hang just like pictures
And gather dust over the time
Well we hung them up just like real lovers
And draw our names into the wall
'Cause we thought they'd be there forever
But we weren't permanent at all...
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 20:17 1 comentários
quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 19:25 1 comentários
terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2009
Um Perfeito Dia de Outono
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:52 0 comentários
sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 17:56 0 comentários
quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:27 2 comentários
terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009
A Phoby do ofereceu-me este selo, que agradeço DO FUNDO DO MEU CORAÇÃO. Como tal há alguns objectivos a cumprir ;)
1- Escrever uma lista com 8 caracteristicas;
2- Convidar 8 bloggers para receber o selo;
3- Comentar no blog de quem lhe deu o selo;
4- Comentar no blog de quem escolheu
1- Amo escrever, fotografar, estar com quem amo, leal, sincera, teimosa, adoro desafios, não confio em qualquer um.
Também este selo me foi oferecido pela Phoby, e mais uma vez, obrigada^^
-Exibir o selo (Done!)
-Linkar quem o passou (Done as well!)
-Passar o selo a 10 blogs que viciem:
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:36 1 comentários
segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009
Tudo o que Quero Guardar
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 22:29 1 comentários
segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009
A Minha Lei
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 18:36 1 comentários
domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 18:53 1 comentários
terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2009
A Simplicidade de um Sorriso
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:56 1 comentários
domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009
Felicidade Precária
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 18:09 2 comentários
terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009
Se do Amanhã Já Nada Resta
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 01:50 2 comentários
domingo, 11 de outubro de 2009
Eternidade de uma Noite
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 23:30 0 comentários
terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009
Versos Mortos
Perdida em pedras sozinhas,
E os mortos já não rimam
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 22:42 1 comentários
domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009
Já Não Se Escrevem Cartas De Amor
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 22:28 4 comentários
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 22:11 0 comentários
quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2009
Eu comigo
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 02:02 1 comentários
segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 23:32 1 comentários
domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009
Regresso perdido
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 01:28 0 comentários
sábado, 12 de setembro de 2009
A Uma Irmã (quase) de Sangue
Mas há tanto que fica para trás e tão pouco tempo para o recuperar ou reviver...
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 23:57 0 comentários
Assim Sendo, Adeus
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 23:06 0 comentários
5 Sentidos
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 19:42 0 comentários
quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009
Corpo Perdido
Recordo cada traço do teu sorriso, cada gesto das tuas mãos doces, cada olhar meigo…Lembro-me de passar as mãos pelos teus cabelos com vislumbres que o sol quis doirar, a forma de como os meus dedos dançavam por eles…
Lembro com saudade a forma em que fazias o meu corpo tremer debaixo do teu toque leve, da forma como me fazias enrubescer levezinho quando me tocavas com os olhos e com o sorriso.
Se ao menos a despedida não tivesse sido tão ingrata, tão rápida como foi…se ao menos os passos que deste tivessem sido na minha direcção e não na direcção contrária…se ao menos…se ao menos…
Quero voltar a ter esses dias contigo, dias em que segredos eram revelados sem que nada disséssemos, sem que nada do que estava à volta fosse importante, quero voltar a estar aninhada nos teus braços e no teu corpo confortável e acolhedor, que me fazia sentir no paraíso, quero voltar a ter o teu cheiro na minha pele, o teu sorriso a dois palmos dos meus lábios, os teus sussurros junto do meu ouvido e os teus dedos na minha cintura, quero-te de volta.
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 00:31 1 comentários
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009
Caros leitores e visitantes,
Vou de férias para Albufeira (Algarve) com umas merecidas férias.
Volto daqui a duas semanas.
Beijinhos e boas leituras
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 12:02 0 comentários
quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009
A Quem Partiu
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 22:34 0 comentários
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009
Cavalinho de Tróia
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 19:45 1 comentários
quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 19:06 1 comentários
terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2009
Inocência perdida
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:31 0 comentários
sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 20:50 1 comentários
segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 21:02 2 comentários
quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009
Presa ao mesmo sítio
Publicada por *Kuka* à(s) 15:29 1 comentários