terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012

E o Vento Trouxe Respostas

E o Vento trouxe respostas
Com palavras em forma de silêncios,
Na noite em que a Lua e as Estrelas
Pelas Nuvens estavam encobertas.
Respostas de mudança,
Um mundo novo a descobrir,
"Vai para longe", disse o Vento
Mas existe o medo de fugir...
Querer sair e não mais voltar,
Querer descobrir e não olhar para trás...
Os limites foram quebrados,
Já não existe nada neste lugar
Que me faça querer ficar.

 E o Mar trouxe promessas
Com sabor a Areia e Sal,
Num dia em que o Vento
Se deixou levar pelo momento.
Promessas de algo novo,
De algo melhor fora daqui
Onde os dias são solarengos,
Onde não existe dor,
E o Sol radioso vai gritar
Palavras de vitória cheias de ardor.

E se o Vento traz respostas
E se o Mar promessas traz,
Que raio de amarras são estas
Que me prendem os pés à Terra
Num dia de Chuva mordaz?

quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012

To the Limit

I'm reaching my limit again...

We're in the middle of July and I still have 3 exams ahead, the problem is, my brain refuses to study more...even if I say to myself "go on, it's just another page, it's just another hour!" I just can't! I'm drained, exhausted...I look arround and see everyone already in vacations...I just want to be able to go to bed without thinking that tomorrow will be another day to study, without dreaming about the subjects I'm studying...I just want to stop thinking about college for a month, to get my sleep back together all over again, to not be at the break up point again!
My head hurts, my motivation is down to zero again, I feel like falling down again but no one seems to noitice...I want this to end...
Then, the responsability of money...if I don't pass, I can't affoard another year in college...how am I supposed to be motivated with this speach, every single day, every hour, constantly buzzing in my brain like a branding iron?
I want this month to end, I want to sleep, to realx, to be able to do absolutely nothing for a while!
I'm starting to feel depressed again and I hate it...after the last episode, I realized that being drained and exhausted all the time isn't for me, but the fact is that I can't seem to get out of this state...
I have an exam tomorrow, one of the worsts, and I just can't study...I just want to cry my frustration out and that tomorrow's day goes by quick and painless...
I've reached my limit and I don't know for how long I can stay strong until I completly break down.

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Revolta-te Mar

Revolta-te mar, 

Que a quem o tempo perdeu
No vento e nas estrelas
Nada mais fui do que eu.

No negrume da noite se erguem
Monstros voláteis e demónios
A quem a água embalou,
A quem a terra plantou
E que se perderam por caminhos erróneos.

Se na chuva se encontra a paz
De dias que de trovoada foram,
Nos céus negros e ventosos
Crescem lamentos pesarosos
De anjos negros que choram.

Sangue vil e ameno
Assim como um dia de Verão,
Trazes contigo o Inverno,
Noites de desvario e paixão.

Quando o corpo pede a alma
E esta sem rumo vagueia,
No tempo se perdem as horas
De um fantasma que não sabe por onde passeia.

Quando outrora se foi luz,
Mas esta extinta foi,
Da noite só estrelas restam,
A tua presença magoa
Mas a tua ausência dói.

Mar amigo e pai,
Melodia de gelo e paz
Que de queixumes só resta a areia
E a quem o Sol não satisfaz
Permite que na noite,
Sob o olhar atento da Lua,
Este demónio possa vaguear,
Sem medo e sem parar
Com a alma despida e nua.

sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2012

Back to Where it Was

So...I guess I lost my skill to write...I miss the way I gave form to words, but now it seems I lost it...And it wans't the only thing I lost...I lost myself, again.

I keep making mistakes, keep trying to please everyone and keeping letting myself down, over and over again.
I got back to the dark place that I was so afraid of going back once.
Again, love didn't brought anything good, on the contrary, it only makes everything worst.
I let myself be fooled, I got blinded by the amazing person he is, not only beautiful on the outside, but perfect on the inside, loyal, honest, smart, funny...I told myself that if he wanted, he would have everything, I would open myslef, my demons, I would take care of him as no one else did until today, I told myself that if he wanted, he would have all my love...
But again, I have a sign saying "DAMAGED, keep out" pointing at me.
So I'll be back in my well, my grave, my hole, or whatever you want to call it, I'll be back to my dark little corner, the promiss this time is for real, no love, no falling for anyone ever again, I won't let anyone get any closer because they might get hurt.
Whoever said that it's not our fault to have feelings, to allow ourselves to feel, is just wrong. This is why I need my control, this is why I was so afraid of letting myself go. Well, I've tried it and it didn't worked...again!
I'm just exhausted of being me, always trying to have the greatest of intentions and ending up screwing everything over and over and over again.
My books will be my best friends again, my music, my dark corner, my stupid fairy tales and my idiotic fantasies...maybe that way I'll be able to write something good again...
My shell seems pretty cozy at the moment, darkness feels like home. I'm alone, I always have been and I always will be, and it's stupid and silly of me trying to convince myself the other way arround, when I know that I'm meant to be alone.
Everything will be back to where it was.

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012


You give me butterflies in my stomach when you kiss my cheek the way you do...  *.*

terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2012

A New Begining

She ran into the woods. Ran as she had never had ran in her life before and got to the heart of the forest, in a little meadow where the sun was kissing the the tiny wild flowers.
Gasping, she took her shoes off and with her bare feet felt the dead leaves in her skin.
She found a huge, solid tree and sat with her back against it, calming her breath down, trying to make her heart stop from jumping so much.
A bit more calm and relaxed, she took a deep breath and tasted the air around her, so sweet, so pure and clean. In the middle of the Summer, she could afford to spend large hours away from everything, from everyone.
With her eyes closed for a moment, she focused on the birds singing, the light noise of the leaves in the trees, talking to each other, almost like a thousand whispers, soft, gentle and friendly.
When she opened her eyes, she stared at all of that beauty around her, and focused on the colours. "Forget the names of the things, the names of the colours, the names of the shapes...Enjoy it without any limitation or made ideas, without any bounderies!", she told herself. What she saw, from the minute she could disconect herself from all of these ideas, was pure magic. The sounds became clearer, the colours became more bright, the air sweeter and she felt as light as she had never felt before.
Life would be so much easier if she could just enjoy things like the ones she had in front of her in that precise moment, but again, her life was ugly, with no colour...her past was a huge black sopt, full of loses, regreats, disapointment...all she wanted was a tiny little bit of happines, like that moment.
Alone, with no dark thoughts, no broken heart, no sorrow nor pain, she allowed herself a secret thought that she never allowed herself to have often...him. That was the perfect place to do it. A place where light is everything, where the the air itself is music...And so, she allowed herself to think about his beautiful smile, his perfect body kissed by the sun, tall and strong as the tree she was sat against, his cozy neck where she could see the vein pulsing sometimes, his big safe hands...The kind eyes of a small prince with a heavy soul but somehow forgiveness and so much kindness in his heart...The soft hair, touched by the most pure of silks known by Men...
She stayed like that for a moment, dreaming at sunlight, but she shutted down the dream as quickly as it came. She knew she couldn't have him, it was a foolish, childish dream. So she said goodbye to that vision, shutted down his laughter, his voice from her memories. Got everything about him gathered again and putted it again where it was in the begining, it the corner of her mind that she locks with a thousand keys, the tiny little space that's growing more and more every day that it goes by.
In that magical place, she made a promiss to herself, a promiss that this time, she would kept with all of her heart and strength: "I will burry EVERYTHING about my past, forget who I was, the monster I became and I will look to the futer with new eyes, I'll allow myself to be happy, whatever life has to offer me, I will have it, open hearted and with open arms."
She didn't knew it by then, but this promiss would change her life forever.